New Year, New You: Sustainable Periods in 2023

As the clock struck 12, and 2024 swooped in, people bid their final adieus to the good and bad memories of 2023. A brand new year doesn’t just mean a new date on the calendar; it also means new hopes, aspirations, goals, and a chance to reinvent. In the upcoming 365 days of uncertainty, people try to do something good for themselves, and some even think about making a difference by helping others. However, where are you on the stance of helping the environment? There are many ways to prioritize sustainability, and one way to start small is by making some smart resolutions. Whether we are talking about using reusable menstrual cups or spreading awareness, here are some ways to keep you on track for period sustainability. 

Go for Eco-Friendly Menstrual Products

Do you have any idea about the kind of waste disposable menstrual products generate each year? If you don’t, let’s have a look at the stats. In India alone, roughly 121 million menstruators use an average of disposable and non-biodegradable pads per month. What does this sum up to? Well, this sums to a whopping 1.021 billion pads wasted monthly, 12.3 billion pads wasted annually, and 113.000 metric tons of annual menstrual waste. 

These wasted pads and tampons end up in landfills where products go rotting, and the toxins and bleach on these disposable menstrual products harm the natural biome of the place. Or, these disposable sanitary hygiene products end up in ocean beds where they harm marine lives. Now imagine, what would have happened if no one used these products in the first place. Yes, that’s always an option! Instead of disposable products, you can always go for reusable period products like menstrual cups that can significantly reduce environmental impact. 

Period cups are cost-effective, environment-friendly, and leak-proof for relatively longer hours. They don’t just minimize waste; these products also offer comfort and cost-effectiveness in the long run and keep the risk of TSS as cups are made from medical-grade silicone. 

Spread Awareness

Most people don’t use period cups because they don’t know about period cups. Even for people who know, finding menstrual cups in a regular store is no cakewalk. After you switch to sustainability, the least you can do is shun the whispers surrounding pads and tampons and talk more about how menstrual cups have become the need of the hour. Encourage open discussions, and if possible, volunteer for NGOs working to eradicate period poverty with sustainability. 

The Bottom Line

Always remember that when you save the environment, you aren’t just making the world a better place for your generation; you are also benefitting the upcoming generations. We live in the 21st century, and yet most women have no idea about what is a period cup or how to clean a menstrual cup after use. However, when someone takes the initiative to spread awareness about reusable menstrual cups and uses them instead of disposable options, they can always play their role in freeing landfills and ocean beds of period waste. 


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