Menstrual awareness and the significance of Shecups

In India, the stigma associated with menstruation is so deep-rooted that women are ashamed of even uttering the word “periods”. Starting from the illogical fables and stereotypes associated with menstruating women not being allowed inside places of worship to those times when are isolated inside their own homes because they are on their periods, menstruation has a bizarre side in India. The most astonishing fact is 7 out of every 10 women don’t even know about menstrual cup. Why? Because they are ashamed of talking about their menses. 

Health risks associated with menstrual hygiene

The awareness about menstrual products is so scarce that in a recently conducted menstrual product acceptability survey, a huge sum of 95% of women in rural areas still uses cloths to absorb menstrual blood. The use of menstrual pads and sanitary napkins is visible, but women are still unfamiliar with the use of menstrual cups or how to order menstrual cup. Not just menstrual cups, spreading awareness about overall menstrual hygiene and the use of different sanitary products is necessary.

Lack of awareness along with socio-cultural beliefs cause health risks for women. In fact, 70% of the reproductive infections in women are a result of poor menstrual hygiene. Some of the most common health hazards include:

  • Lethal Infections of Reproductive tract caused by bacteria and fungus

  • Urinary Tract infections that might develop into serious complications

  • Yeast infections or Candidiasis

  • Hepatitis B infection that can be easily transmitted through bodily fluids including menstrual discharge 

  • Dermatitis

  • Alteration in the pH balance of vaginal secretions

  • Bacterial vaginitis

  • Cervical cancer and many more diseases 

Shecup: Preaching menstrual hygiene since the day of its inception

What’s staggering is out of 355 million menstruating women in India, only 42.6% have access to the most basic form of menstrual hygiene products. What’s more shocking is that 23 million girls drop out of schools at menarche. The figure is disturbing indeed, but the only solution to sink these figures is spreading menstrual hygiene.

Nearly 12% of Indian women use sanitary pads, but they aren’t environment-friendly, cost-effective or convenient. Also as menstruation is a taboo in India, leaks and spotting on clothes can be a huge embarrassment. Menstrual cups on the other hand are a reasonable alternative in terms of prices, usage and convenience. So, order a menstrual cup now and forget about your menstrual woes. 

Concluding lines

As a woman, be proud of your feminine side. Be proud of your periods. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Menstruation is as natural as other biological phenomena. Without menstruation, there would be no ovulation, and hence the scope of the reproduction will be zero.

When you are buying sanitary products for yourself, read about menstrual cup and get yourself a Shecup. Most women shriek at the name of entering a silicone cup in their vagina, but Shecups are one of the best alternatives for sanitary products that you can get. So order menstrual cup now and forget about buying or disposing of sanitary products. 


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