Menstruation Cup and the Environment

Menstruation cycle is a sign of healthy female body whose hormones and systems are doing fine. Those days of bleeding and cramps come as nightmares to many. While cramps can give the worst kind of feeling carrying around bulky and itchy sanitary napkins all day long is another problem. That is why manufacturers came up with tampons and
reusable menstrual cup. These products are inserted into the vagina and come with less to no feeling advantage. But tampons can cause toxic shock syndromes. Hence Shecups are gaining popularity. 

A woman usually starts menstruating around age of 12 and the cycle stops around 45-55 years of age. Throughout all these years a woman goes through bleeding for a few days every month. With the modernization of everything we came up with sanitary pads, tampon and then menstrual cups to deal with the bleeding. Today women are no longer bound in their homes.

While the students have to continue their classes with periods, others have to carry on with their jobs and daily chores. It is necessary to carry on all the work without the fear of staining. That is why everyone chooses the product that is most suitable to them. Buying period products like menstrual cup online is an easy thing to do. 

The effect on environment

Everything comes at a price and menstrual hygiene managed to come at a greater one. Sanitary napkins and tampons have products which might provide us with hygiene and safety, are having a worst effect on the environment. These two products have cotton as one of the main material. This one crop is known to be the “thirstiest one” in the world. One little bud requires six pints of water to grow. Some of the tampons and napkins also come with non-organic cotton which is not good for health. While cotton creates a problem with water, the napkins and tampons also create non-biodegradable waste.

Pads are stuck to the panty with the help of glue. This polyethylene plastic is one of the harmful pollutants which get released into the nature as we dump these. The tampons have chemicals like rayon, chlorine and dioxin. These products get released into air and groundwater after being soaked up by the earth. A woman end up using near about 528 pads or tampons only in 2 years. While ensuring menstrual hygiene every woman ends up having an adverse effect on our nature. 

Menstrual cups

As a period product reusable menstrual cup has started to gain popularity. A Shecup is a reusable product which can be used for 5- 10 years. Compared to sanitary napkins and tampons this is a more affordable option to choose. A woman might use 4-5 Shecups in her lifetime.

This helps to reduce the waste created by the plastic from other products. The cups are made from silicon that is approved for healthcare and does not need any cotton. Choose menstrual cup online made of high quality health grade silicone instead ones that are cheap quality made with hybrid materials, latex, rubber, plastics or cheap silicone and free the environment of harmful chemicals and plastic.

About Shecup

SHECUP is a Social Enterprise working in the healthcare space. We conduct health and environment awareness programs and promote concepts which are not only health friendly but are also environmentally sustainable.

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