
Showing posts from January, 2024

New Year, New You: Sustainable Periods in 2023

As the clock struck 12, and 2024 swooped in, people bid their final adieus to the good and bad memories of 2023. A brand new year doesn’t just mean a new date on the calendar; it also means new hopes, aspirations, goals, and a chance to reinvent. In the upcoming 365 days of uncertainty, people try to do something good for themselves, and some even think about making a difference by helping others. However, where are you on the stance of helping the environment? There are many ways to prioritize sustainability, and one way to start small is by making some smart resolutions. Whether we are talking about using reusable   menstrual cups   or spreading awareness, here are some ways to keep you on track for period sustainability.  Go for Eco-Friendly Menstrual Products Do you have any idea about the kind of waste disposable menstrual products generate each year? If you don’t, let’s have a look at the stats. In India alone, roughly 121 million menstruators use an average of disp...