
Showing posts from December, 2023

Period-Proofing Your New Year: Tips for Busy Schedules

  How did 2023 treat you? Amidst the flurry of your modern lives did you have a hard time managing menstruation? Well, even when the answer is no, there are chances that you might have overlooked your menstrual hygiene. Let’s face it managing menstruation in a packed schedule can be a challenge. However, with the right strategies, products and a little knowledge about how  menstrual cups work , you can always period-proof your New Year and ensure a seamless balance between work, life, and menstrual health. Wondering how? Here are some tips to help you get started!   #1 Understanding Your Cycle Many women find themselves in utter surprise when their menstrual cycle starts because they don’t understand their cycle well. You can refrain from making this mistake by tracking your cycle. Nowadays, there are also different apps to track your periods and provide insights into your body’s rhythms. This can help you be better prepared and understand when to expect your periods, so ...