
Showing posts from May, 2021

Menstruation Cup and the Environment

Menstruation cycle is a sign of healthy female body whose hormones and systems are doing fine. Those days of bleeding and cramps come as nightmares to many. While cramps can give the worst kind of feeling carrying around bulky and itchy sanitary napkins all day long is another problem. That is why manufacturers came up with tampons and reusable menstrual cup . These products are inserted into the vagina and come with less to no feeling advantage. But tampons can cause toxic shock syndromes. Hence Shecups are gaining popularity.  A woman usually starts menstruating around age of 12 and the cycle stops around 45-55 years of age. Throughout all these years a woman goes through bleeding for a few days every month. With the modernization of everything we came up with sanitary pads, tampon and then menstrual cups to deal with the bleeding. Today women are no longer bound in their homes. While the students have to continue their classes with periods, others have to carry on with their job...